There were 1365 mathematically possible casts for this show. As I got to 982, I realized that SO MANY OF THEM would put on an excellent show and be a fun time for everyone involved…everyone gave something to think about in auditions, and for that I can’t say thank you enough. It IS cliché for a director to say “this was an incredibly difficult choice” but clichés are born from TRUTH, and this process was no different. I appreciate each and every one that auditioned, and I truly wish I could work with all 1365 casts. BUT, since BST doesn’t have that much room in the season, the cast is as follows:

  • TJ: Shane Morse
  • MARK: Darren Paulson
  • RICHARD: Ray Dale
  • JESSIE: Kelli Bartholomew

THANK YOU AGAIN to all, and I look forward to seeing everyone in all the projects I know you will be a part of. CAST, I will be in touch via email regarding getting you scripts and how we will start our process, so be on the lookout for that.


  • Posted on: December 3, 2023
  • Categories: Cast Lists