In my many years of theatre, this week has been one of the most difficult. We had so many wonderful auditioners and I thank you all for coming out. Brianna and I worked to get as many of you cast as we could but we insist that all actors have a meaningful part rather than just a Halloween dress-up. What that means is that many very talented folks did not get cast. I know it’s part of theatre and the auditioning experience, but it still tugs at my heart. All of you that didn’t get cast, please try again! Also, Billings Studio Theatre has a summer camp in June that is a chance to work on theatre skills. Keep an eye out for that.

Some of the smaller roles will also be doubled as either Aslan’s Followers or the Witches Army, so you might get to be a good person and a baddie.

That said, here it is:

  • Nickolas Soettel – Peter
  • Emily Freedman – Susan
  • Quinn Clark – Edmund
  • Nora Fitterer – Lucy
  • Rosie Byorth – Unicorn
  • Susie Cox – Centaur
  • Tardi Truchot – Mrs. Beaver
  • Colby Paul – Mr. Beaver
  • Dallin Despain – Fenris Ulf (doubled)
  • Rhys McManus – Tumnus (doubled)
  • Gracie Shea – Dwarf
  • Riley Switzer – Witch
  • Holly Despain – Elf (doubled)
  • Elizabeth Paul – Father Christmas (doubled)
  • Christian Thomas – Aslan

Aslan’s Followers

  • Annabelle Daniels
  • Aubrey Paul
  • Elliot Iverson
  • Hadley Mosser
  • Jersi Eckley
  • Justice Sualata
  • Lannon Bruen
  • Maeve Storey
  • Maxton Braun
  • Mclain Braun
  • Solomon Sualata
  • Tomina Carrothers
  • Tucker Truchot

Wood Nymphs (Stage crew / witches army)

  • Garrison Glantz
  • Gary Cox
  • Jazmine Sualata
  • Kayla Roth
  • Lucy Despain
  • Zachary Gray
  • Posted on: October 20, 2023
  • Categories: Cast Lists