My thanks to everyone who auditioned, we were amazed at the reading and talent of everyone who came. Unfortunately we are not able to cast everyone who auditioned but we encourage all of you to keep auditioning for future BST productions. There are some great shows coming in the near future.

We are going to do the first read through at BST in the green room on Monday,February 12th at 7 PM. If you haven’t already picked up a script please stop by the box office and do so. Please send me an email letting me know if you accept the role or if you’re declining it. I can be reached at:

  • Mother : Lynne Turner Fitzgerald
  • Barrie : Cruz Martinez
  • Maureen : Sarah Holm
  • Mary/ Meranda : Samantha Bistline
  • Ned/ Sean : Robert Bertrand
  • Old Crow / Hook Geoffrey Curtiss
  • Deacon / Gerald Chad Morse
  • Davey/ Peter Pan Colby Paul
  • Tinker Bell: Aubrey Ryder
  • Wendy/ Hanna Bell/ Merlinda : Ashley LeFevre
  • Liza/ Adora Bell : Elizabeth Paul

I am so pleased to be working with this cast and crew on this project.

First Star on the right and straight on till morning.

– Byrl Skovgaard

  • Posted on: February 7, 2024
  • Categories: Cast Lists