Thanks for auditioning for “Wedding Singer”! We have such a talented community. We know this is a busy time for all, and really appreciate your interest in our show. Without further ado…here is the cast list. Please let us know if you are NOT interested in your role. There are many other roles that will be filled as we rehearse. The first read-through is Tuesday the 19th of March at 630 pm at the PAC. Please be there unless you marked it on your conflict sheet. We will hand out scripts and go over schedules at that time. Thanks! Cayla, Casey, Sarah, and Billie

  • Robbie Hart – Jayme Green
  • Sammy – Ben Bishop
  • George – Evan Ulrichs
  • Julia Sullivan – Brianna West
  • Holly – Jennaka Beartusk
  • Glen Guglia – Nathan Williams
  • Rosie – Norma Sitton
  • Linda – Billie Parrott


  • Sarah Holm
  • Stephanie Humphrey
  • Izzy Zalenski
  • Sarah McManus
  • Christian Thomas
  • Kylie Thomas
  • Ashley Milsop
  • Macy Doucette
  • Ben Goes Ahead
  • Olivia Kusek
  • Lori Gushwa
  • Crystal Enberg-West
  • Dustin Cahill
  • Christian Cahill

Featured Dancers

  • Olivia Kusek
  • Billie Parrott
  • Sarah McManus
  • Macy Doucette
  • Kylie Thomas
  • Stephanie Humphrey
  • Lori Gushwa
  • Christian Thomas
  • Ben Goes Ahead
  • Posted on: March 14, 2024
  • Categories: Cast Lists