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Auditions: Mama Won’t Fly

February 23 @ 7:00 pm February 24 @ 7:00 pm

An outrageously hilarious race against the clock begins when Savannah Honeycutt agrees to get her feisty mother all the way from Alabama to California in time for her brother’s wedding. Savannah’s problem: Mama won’t fly.

Savannah, accompanied by her mother Norleen and soon to be sister-in-law, Hayley Quinn, embark on a road trip adventure where they meet a slew of quirky characters such as Cousin Chicken who is in love with a mayo jar, Uncle Ferd, an odd ball and dancing fool, Great Aunt Pawnee, a frail yet cranky old lady, Kiki, an excited and passionate bimbo ready to get hitched in Vegas, and so many more!

This show is perfect for both veteran actors and those who have never been on stage before!

With so many small roles there’s something everyone can be comfortable with so come out and give it a shot!

Directed by Sarah Holm and Lynette Ryder

3 female leads
Savanah Honeycut 20-40
Norleen Sprunt 40-70
Hayley Quinn 20-30

Up to 5 male ensemble roles ages 20-70
Up to 5 female ensemble roles ages 20-70

Smaller roles may be combined for smaller cast size.

We can’t wait to see you all at auditions!
February 23 and 24, 7 P.M. at The PAC 1644 1st Ave North, downtown!