Billings Studio Theatre is a largely volunteer organization. Each year an amazing 40,000 volunteer hours are donated to the theatre! However like all non-profits, our theatre also has a tremendous need for monetary donations. Approximately 50% of the funds needed to operate the theatre come from ticket sales. The remaining funds are raised through special events, sponsorships, and donations. Billings Studio Theatre is a non-profit organization with a 501 c(3) designation. This means that donations to the theatre are tax deductible.

Other Ways to Donate

Memorial Donations

Family members and friends can contribute to Billings Studio Theatre in memory of a loved one.

Fund Drives

Each year there are two formal requests for donations. The first occurs in May, (The Annual Fund Drive), when our season tickets go on sale. Many of our patrons choose this time to send a donation at the same time that they are purchasing season tickets. The second formal request occurs in November and is part of our Holiday Appeal. Many use this opportunity to make an end of the year donation to the theatre.

General Donations

We also frequently receive unsolicited donations throughout the year. Historically, most of these donations have been unrestricted gifts that allow the funds to be applied to the areas of greatest need.

Matching Funds Donation

Some employers and companies will match donations made to a qualifying non-profit organization. Some will also donate a cash equivalent to the amount of time you donate to the theatre. If you think you may work for such a company, check and see if BST may be an additional benefactor from your volunteer time or cash donation.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Additionally, Billings Studio Theatre has been the recipient of a number of charitable gift annuities that are helping to build endowments established for BST.

At this time we are served by the Billings Community Foundation (BCF) as well as the Montana Community Foundation (MCF). Both foundations serve many non-profits throughout the state of Montana. In exchange for an irrevocable gift of cash, securities, or other assets for the benefit of Billings Studio Theatre, these foundations agree to pay the annuitant a fixed sum each year for life. Additionally, the person giving the gift often qualifies for a federal income tax deduction and as well as a Montana Tax Credit. The tax savings are often substantial. We suggest you consult with your tax advisor before making any donation in this area.

If you are interested and would like more information on Charitable Gift Annuities or any other type of gifting, please contact Billings Studio Theatre. All gifts are greatly needed and are very appreciated.

Donations of New & Used Merchandise

BST will gladly accept donations of useable merchandise. If we are not able to make use of your donation, we will find another charitable organization that will make use of your gift. We often re-gift many pieces of merchandise to other non-profits.

Examples of items that are we often look for are:

  • Quality vintage clothing
  • Useable tools
  • Quality used furniture
  • Useable partial cans of paint
  • Costume jewelry
  • Artwork
  • Consumable office and maintenance supplies
  • Interesting items of most sorts